Wednesday, October 04, 2006

PeopleTools Tip: Bypassing App Designer Login

Application Designer has command line options that allow you to specify the login information. This would allow you to create a shortcut on the desktop or in the Start Menu that automatically logs into an instance of PeopleSoft.

Just copy your shortcut to App Designer, and change the command line to look something like this:
<PS Home>\pside.exe -CT <Database Type> -CS <Server/Database Name> -CD <Database Name> -CO <Username> -CP <Password>

PS Home -- you shouldn't have to change this if you copy a shortcut that already works
Database Type -- ORACLE for an Oracle database
Server/Database Name -- The name of the database or instance of PeopleSoft
Database Name -- Same as the Server/Database Name
Username -- The username you want to login with
Password -- The password for that username

Security Warning --
You may want to limit this to Demo instances where no sensitive data exists. You are leaving your password available in plain text and bypassing security. If someone gains access to your computer they have your password and the ability to log into the PeopleSoft system with your security.

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Monday, October 02, 2006

PeopleTools Tip -- App Engine Restart

If you get an error message like this, you either need to restart the specific instance that abended, or remove the restart row from the table.

PeopleTools 8.46 - Application Engine Server
Copyright (c) 1988-2006 PeopleSoft, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
PSAESRV started service request at 14.19.05 2006-09-19
All Processing Suspended: Restart OPRID=PS, RUNID=AppEngName, PI=499 (108,503)
PSAESRV completed service request at 14.19.05 2006-09-19

Disable Restart:
You can disable the restart on the properties of the application engine, but that will not help when the Application Engine has already abended. Remember, the disable restart prevents the app engine from writing to the restart table when the program abends; it does not prevent it from checking the table to see if another instance is waiting to restart.

In other words, once an application has abended, disable restart will not allow you to rerun the program without restarting.

The restart status is stored in the record AERUNCONTROL. If you receive the message requiring you to restart instead of rerun, then there is a row in this table for the program you are running and the run control that you are using.

PROCESS_INSTANCE -- instance that abended
OPRID -- your user name
RUN_CNTL_ID -- run control used when it abended
AE_APPLID -- Application Engine program name

Fixing the Error:
To fix the error, you either have to delete the row from the table or restart the original process instance that abended.
Ray pointed out that PeopleSoft has provided an online way to fix the problem. You can do it from the page: PeopleTools > Application Engine > Manage Abends

Deleting the Row:
If you are the only one with an abended program, you can just truncate the whole table:
Or, if you want to just affect your program, you can do something more like this:

This post has moved to Wordpress.